Sunday, December 2, 2018

Six Word Stories

She steals my time not caring.

She stole his time not caring.

He took his time not caring.

The second installment of Toxic

Toxic II

My grandmother always told me, "smoking can you".  Uncle Buddy didn't seem worried about it very much.   That is until that day he took me hunting.

I loved to follow him on those cold evenings.  He loved to get a few squirrels for dinner.  It was going to the grocery store, except the meat was extremely fresh.  And Grandma would make the best biscuits and gravy.

For as long as I could remember I'd been with grandma and uncle Buddy.  Uncle Buddy had never married and didn't seem worried about it very much.  

It just a few days after Christmas and instead of snowed we'd had rain.  Rain for days and that is why we had not been hunting.  I got a Daisy BB rifle for Christmas.  Uncle Buddy had taught me to shot years ago.   I could shoot, but Grandma said that at 12 I was too young for a real gun and besides I'd have to get a job and buy it myself.  She also said she would never buy me cigarettes or liquor. 

Uncle Buddy worked and he bought his own cigarettes and his liquor.  He kept his cigarettes in the top left pocket of his bib overalls and his liquor he kept in the _____.  Grandma knew he drank, but she did not want it in the house.  If he was ever drunk you would not know it.

Chain Saw and Liza the couple down the road near the sanctified church got drunk every weekend and tthey'd fight every weekend too.  Uncle had to take to Liza to the hospital in the middle of the night not long ago.  The not long ago either.  Chain Saw and Liza got drunk, got to fighting.  Chain Saw broke liza's arm.  When they came and to taken to the hospital that night, Uncle Buddy just rolled over and went back to sleep.  Uncle Buddy felt bad about it later cause he did not know her arm broken and it healed a little crooked from not having medical treatment.

Chain Saw and Liza didn't seem to worry about it very much,  They got drunk and fought every weekend, just not as hard.